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Healing Dialogue and Action is one of just five organizations contracted by the California Department of Corrections to facilitate Victim Offender Dialogues (VODs). VODs are facilitated meetings between the survivor or family survivor of a crime and the person responsible for causing that harm.


Through our VOD programs, we create a safe and supportive space for survivors/victims and the individual who has caused harm to engage in facilitated conversations. These conversations provide an opportunity for the people responsible for inflicting harm to take responsibility for their actions, express remorse, and make amends. The dialogues can offer survivors closure, healing, and a chance to ask questions and share their experiences.

The Redemption Project

Two VODs facilitated by Healing Dialogue and Action were featured on The Redemption Project with Van Jones.

Holding Hands
“I used to tell my children, ‘A bad man killed your uncle.’ After today, I will need to tell them something different. ‘A person made a terrible mistake and killed your uncle.”

A man whose brother was murdered

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Learn More

To learn more about our program contact us at

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